Teachers Martin Berryman and Paul Marques Receive AP Awards

Malden High School offers a plethora of classes, many which are offered up to the advanced placement level. Typically a class is offered at both college preparatory and honors, though some are able to go above and beyond the normal high school levels, offering an advanced placement class. AP classes are designed to give high school students the chance to possibly earn college credit and challenge themselves with work much more rigorous than the standard levels of classes offered.    

A variety of AP classes brings along with it a diversity aspect amongst the pool of teachers who instruct. Each teacher has their own personality and teaching style that is able to reach out to these students who wish to test themselves. Thanks to these instructors, many have been educated to a level beyond what they may receive from the usual CP or Honors classes.

In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a nonprofit organization exists known as Mass Insight Education. It was founded in 1997 in reflection of the growing priority for leaders of business, government, and education fields. To honor great educators, Mass Insight Education awards teachers and principals within their AP Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program with the Partners in Excellence Award.

The logo of Mass Insight Education.
The logo of Mass Insight Education.

The 3rd annual Partners in Excellence Celebration was held on Jun. 2, 2015, at the Seaport Hotel in Boston, MA. The event was supported by the Partners in Excellence, a group made up of philanthropic individuals, corporations, institutions, and foundations dedicated to educative eminence in AP-level STEM and English subjects.

The head of Mass Insight Education’s AP STEM program, Michael Contompasis, expressed that it was “inspiring that individuals from outside the academic world have established Partners in Excellence to recognize the vital role teachers play in our communities’ economic growth.” The function was co-hosted by members of the Partners in Excellence and the Biogen Foundation. Thermo Fisher Scientific and Vertex Pharmaceuticals supported the hosts.

The celebration gave recognition to 33 AP teachers and 2 principals all across MA. MHS had considerable luck this year, producing 2 recipients for the award. These esteemed and admirable teachers are math teacher Paul Marques and chemistry teacher Martin Berryman.

Marques, whilst technically a member of the math department, works exclusively in computer sciences, teaching students subjects such as Web Development/Mobile Apps, Exploring Computer Science, Advanced Placement Computer Science, and Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms. Berryman, on the other hand, is a part of the MHS’ science department, instructing students in honors and AP Chemistry.

Computer Programming teacher Paul Marques holding his award. Photo by Jasper Haag.
Computer Programming teacher Paul Marques holding his award. Photo by Jasper Haag.

Upon receiving the accolade, Berryman expressed gratitude towards “[his] students, [his] family, and fellow teachers who [supported him] each day.” While he was the recipient of the prize, Berryman humbly stated, “All of the teachers at Malden High School deserve recognition for their exemplary work in the classroom” rather than just him. Marques felt “totally honored” and was shocked when he learned he won because “[he] never thought [he] would win this year.” He cited that “the students here at MHS [performing] very well on the [computer science] exams” and his efforts in the AP program as “what helped influence [the presenters of the awards] decision.”

For Marques, the best part of teaching is conveying the idea of self-education “to people at such a young age and [having] them respond so positively.” Accomplishing that “keeps [him] coming back for more each day.” Berryman mentioned “[enjoying] the daily classroom structure and routines that support opportunities for spontaneity and invention.” MHS is truly proud of its award winners and encourages them to continue in nurturing the minds of Maldonian students.

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