Asian Culture Club’s Sushi Social

On Nov. 4, 2015, the Asian Culture Club held a sushi workshop in which they demonstrated how to make sushi rolls. Students bought tickets to attend the workshop.  Students awaited the start of the workshop outside of (teacher’s name)’s classroom that would host the class. When the door is open, the students would rushed in to get a seat on the desks. Meanwhile Yuki Choeng, a junior and secretary of the club, collected the tickets from the students. On a tangent note, all the tickets cost 5 dollars pre-event but during the event they cost 7 dollars. Yining Mao, a junior and vice president of the club, confirmed who entered and bought a ticket for the sushi workshop.

Asian Culture Club junior and president Emily Zeol,  gave a demonstration of making a sushi roll. The first step is to put down a flat seaweed wrap and pat rice across the seaweed. The club supplied cucumbers, avocado, carrots, and yellow radish to add to the rolls. Next, roll up the seaweed with all the ingredients tightly. Once rolled, one can cut the roll of sushi or eat it as it is. The students must wash their hands and received gloves to make their own sushi.

On the lab tables were ingredients, plates, and a plastic knife. As the students took their seats and made their sushi, they also conversed with friends. The Asian Culture club members Winnie Li, Emily Zeol, Yuki Choeng, and Yining Mao prepared the ingredients, cutting the avocado, carrots, etc. and went out to buy rice. The students each made their own sushi roll, socialized with their friends, drank soda, and took pictures to post on social media. When the workshop ran out of ingredients, the members bought cupcakes and fudge chocolate brownies to give to the students. About 50 or more students were at the sushi workshop, and the Asian Culture Club made about 90 dollars from the workshop.

The Asian Culture Club used the profits to get supplies for future workshops that will be held soon. Generally, the students at the workshop had a good time, made their own sushi and ate sweets all thanks to the Asian Culture club’s members who worked hard to put it all together.

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One thought on “Asian Culture Club’s Sushi Social

  1. I used to go eat sushi at this little retarusant run by a family. The father is the chef and the kids the servers. His food was so much better than those mass-produced franchised retarusants in town. Unfortunately, none of the children had learnt his special skills and the shop was closed when he retired.

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