History and English teacher Dana Marie Brown with other helpers at Boys and Girls Night Out. Photo by Andrew Cogliano.
History and English teacher Dana Marie Brown with other helpers at Boys and Girls Night Out. Photo by Andrew Cogliano.

Malden’s Teen Enrichment Center held their third Girls & Boys Night Out event on Nov.12, 2015. The night included food, music, and free clothes. The event was a huge turnout, with some 60 boys and 100 girls. 

Dana Marie Brown, history and english teacher at Malden High School, organized the event along with others who help at MTEC. Around 75 to 100 girls usually attend each Girls Night Out event. Brown added that the numbers have increased since the first event they held. In addition, she mentioned MTEC is thinking about keeping some of the donated clothes in the center for people who cannot wait until November and/or April.

Junior Ariel Gustowski attended the event with expectations of unorganized piles of clothes that people would have to sift through. “The clothes were really neat and organized, and it was an overall successful night,” Gustowski expressed.

Marie Brown, another one of the helpers over at MTEC, stated that the event went “crazy good” and that the numbers of people attending continue to grow.

MTEC is becoming better known to Malden youth. MTEC members are constantly brainstorming new ideas for fundraisers. Another Girls & Boys Night Out will be happening in the spring with promise of more success.

Helpers organizing clothes at Boys and Girls Night Out. Photo by Andrew Cogliano.
Helpers organizing clothes at Boys and Girls Night Out. Photo by Andrew Cogliano.

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