Boys Cross Country Finishes Off The Season Strong

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Malden boys running during a meet. All photos by Abhishek Rana.

The Malden High School boys cross country team’s season has come to an end. The team was able to have a truly remarkable season, as they exceeded expectations and reached goals they had made at the beginning of the season.

Going into the season, head coach and MHS English teacher David Londino hoped for the boys to do their best. The goal every year for the team is to be able to compete at the highest level that they can and win the GBL championship title. With a record of 4-0, the boys easily fulfilled that goal as they swept the GBL.

This season was one of growth and improvement for all the runners. “Although this season was not particularly difficult, our competitors did seem to have gotten a lot better, which [they] didn’t expect,” admitted senior Jonathan Solomon. Solomon went on to say that the meets “taught [them] that [they] always need to be on top of the game, and push [themselves] to work harder and reach [their] full potential.”

The team finished off their season with a strong showing at States. Sophomore Temesgen Tsige commented that the team has become “much better [and] continue to improve every season.” He was at first disappointed with the States meet as the team fell short of a win, but looking at the talent and potential of the runners makes him believe that the team “will definitely win States at some point in the near future.”

Left to right: ___, ___, and sophomore Robert Russo. Photo by
The boys cross country team running during a meet.

Tsige went onto say, “[They] were all hoping to improve as individuals this season and win the majority of [their] meets and that was exactly what [they] did.” There were “some hard times during the season

[such as] when all of the best runners were injured and couldn’t run, [but they] kept working hard and even won [their competitive] meet against Medford,” expressed Tsige.

Though many varsity runners will be graduating this year, Malden’s boys cross country team will continue to thrive in the future as there are many talented runners on the team. Each season, the boys team only seems to improve as a whole. So while this season was stopped short at States, the successes that the team attained predict a promising future for boys cross country.

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