What’s your favorite memory from the season?

My favorite part of the season was probably going to practices, because the whole team would be together which made the practice always fun.

Do you plan on playing golf in your future?

Although I don’t plan on playing golf competitively in the future, it’s a sport you can play your whole life, so yes, I will play in the future.

How do you feel about your performance this year?

It was my first year ever playing, so I can’t say that I did great, but I definitely say I greatly improved over the course of the season.

What do you wish to did better this season?

This was a learning season for me, so I improved on everything, but I think that I definitely could have improved on everything even more.

What’s your favorite part about golf?

This may sound funny, but one of my favorite parts of golf is all the nicely groomed grass you get to be on, on the golf courses.

Do you play any other sports, other than golf?

I play tennis in the spring.

What prompted you to join the golf team?

I joined the golf team because some of my friends were already on the team and I had been to the driving range a few times over the summer, so I decided I would join the team.

Do you have any advice for the underclassman golfers?

You should just try to enjoy yourself. Although I wasn’t the best golfer, I had a great time on the golf team.

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