Boys Basketball First Shots Fired

Malden High School’s boys basketball team is starting the season fresh off the court. The boys are expected to go far this season, and are looking to advance in the playoffs. Senior captain Simson Liberis reveals that he is “looking most forward to [the team] having a good season and retiring into the playoffs.. Last year unfortunately [they] didn’t make the playoffs, but with a great group of hardworking guys [he feels] that [their] season this year will be a good one, which will allow [them] to return into the playoffs.”

Although they admit there are some challenges they will face in the long run, such as “finishing the season with away games,” according to junior captain Nathaniel Ilebode, the boys know they will step it up this year in hopes to make it to the playoffs.

Sophomore Daniel Perez explains how “[he has] a way bigger role as the starting point guard, so there’s a lot more pressure for [him] and [his team], and being so young, everyone has weight on their shoulders.” The underclassmen look up to upperclassmen players and captains. “[He] can always ask them for advice and they know how to carry this team and just take control over games and they know how to be calm at all times. [He feels] like that’s key to winning during this season; patience and staying calm” says Perez.

Compared to last season, the team set their mind on one thing. They have been preparing for the upcoming season, by working offseason. Liberis explains that, “ [he] preached to these guys that working as a team and having a lot of ball movement would be key for [their] season last year.” Also to their passion for basketball would add to their success. He believes that the key to advancing far this season is to continue playing as a team. “[He] strongly [believes] that if [they] continue to play team basketball like [they] have for these last couple of games, [they] will be a very hard team to stop.”

Coach Don Nally carries the basketball team this year. “He understands [their] situation that [they’re] young and nobody expects [them] to do anything this year, but he’s the only one that believes that [they] can go far and do it as the underdogs” claims Perez. “Coach Nally always pushes us to work our hardest so it will be strong” adds Ilebode.

The Malden High school basketball team continues to keep their heads up, and in the game. Members of the high school look forward to seeing the boys advance through the season, and wish them luck in making it to playoffs.

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