Indoor Girls Track Profile: Rachel Eaglin

Q: What inspired you to join the indoor girls’ track team?

A: “During my freshman year I somehow got on the cross country team and my original plan was to do basketball. But londino convinced me to join indoor track because I would be a good six hundred meter runner. Plus I love my team mates on the cross country team.”

Q: Are you thinking about pursuing this sport after high school?

A: “Yeah. I’ve been playing sports all my life.”

Q: What do you do to practice?

A: “It depends on what I’m doing on each meet. But I usually do hurdle drills, repeat one hurdles, and getting the form down. Along with a lot of workouts like cardio and repeats.”

Q: How long do you practice?

A: “Everyday but sunday for two hours.”

Q: Are there any goals you’re trying to accomplish this year?

A: “Last year my highest jump for high jump was 4 feet. ten inches. This year I want to jump five feet more like a mental thing because five feet seems really tall for me.”

Q: What is one of your best goals that you’ve accomplished for track?

A: “On my first year I made it to states for high jump.”

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