“The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give Blood.”

On Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015, Malden High held a blood drive sponsored by the Red Cross Club and the senior class in the Finn gym. MHS normally hosts this event twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. On average there are anywhere from 30 to 40 students that donate their blood to those in need.

In order be eligible to donate blood, donors must be at least 17-years-old, or 16-years-old with the consent of a parent/guardian. Donors must also weigh at least 110 pounds and be of overall good health. If planning on donating, it is necessary to have a good night’s rest the night before and eat a healthy meal. Fatty foods are not  recommended to eat the day of donating.

As described in the Red Cross’s slogan, “The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give Blood.” The need truly is constant because every two seconds someone is in need of blood. Donating helps stock shelves so there isn’t a wait to receive needed blood. There is an endless sum of medical procedures that require blood transfusions to carry out the procedure. The majority of the population has blood to spare, but somehow there still is not enough blood for those in need. Only 38 percent of the nation’s population are eligible to donate blood only adds to the need for donations. There are even ways to obtain scholarships through The Blood Drive.

Donating just one pint of blood saves up to three lives. The process requires only a short amount of time out of one’s day but can add so much more time to the lives of others. On the American Red Cross website there is a donor that stated “[she gives] blood out of respect for [her] teacher, for those who continue to exhibit integrity, grace, and compassion despite battling great adversity.”

Four-year advisor of the Red Cross Club, Chris Giordano, expressed that “the most important thing is that you are literally giving of yourself to somebody else.” Giordano also mentioned that “it is a really direct way that you can influence somebody’s wellbeing..,[and is] a really great opportunity that [MHS provides].” Donating is a selfless act and MHS is honored to be a part of such fulfilling event.

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