New math teacher Ray McKenzie. Photo by Ryan Hames.
Ralph McKenzie is the newest addition to the Malden High school math department. Born in Boston and raised in Braintree, Massachusetts, McKenzie likes to go by Ray instead of his given name, Ralph. He graduated from UMass Boston with a Bachelor’s degree in English on May 2016. When asked about what attracted him to Malden High, McKenzie explained that is was Malden’s diversity that made it the “perfect choice.” In terms of diversity, “[Malden] stands head and shoulders above the rest of the cities in the area.”

When asked why he decided to become a teacher, McKenzie replied that he enjoys “working with students and that [he loves] seeing an enthusiasm on every student for different things.” After being a tutor for a year and a half at different high schools including Boston Public schools, Charlestown High, and Snowden International, this is McKenzie’s first year teaching his own classes and having his own room. McKenzie currently co-teaches Algebra I with Bradley Gelling and Christopher Giordano. Besides teaching that course, McKenzie also runs a support class for the Algebra I students. When asked about what the toughest aspect of his job is, McKenzie replied that it “trying to identify student interests” that was the most challenging. As well as helping them “relate [what they learn] to their daily lives. Like every other new student and teacher, McKenzie is also trying to fully understand the rotating schedule. He mentioned that the “schedule [at Malden High] is pretty crazy and [he is] still trying to fully comprehend it.”
During his free time, McKenzie enjoys watching football. Like many other Bostonians, McKenzie is a big Patriots fan. He also enjoys listening to music and is passionate about playing video games. “[He loves] listening to jazz, rap, metal, and pretty much everything else except country.” Besides that he also loves reading, especially poetry. He mentioned that his favorite writers include Charles Bukowski, Matthew Dickman, and Stephen King. Due to his interest in poetry, McKenzie hopes to volunteer for this year’s annual “Poetry Out Loud.”
McKenzie is excited and
looks forward to the new year and whatever it may bring.