As the Cheering season comes to an end, the cheerleaders have worked their very best.
According to Senior Gabriella Amisano, who is one of the four captains, says although this season had many ups and downs, the team has been working hard through it. Now that the season comes to an end, Amisano says preventing all the injuries is something she would have done differently. “[She wishes] [she] could have done more to prevent all the injuries that really threw [them] off track this season,” she says.
Amisano also says that this season, “there were a lot of challenges and [that they] were not able to overcome. [She thinks] [they] suffered a lot of injuries, and a lot of strong personalities on the team sometimes made practice hard, but when it came down to it, [they] worked hard at practice and always tried to be [their] best self on the mat and as this season proved it isn’t always enough, sometimes there are circumstances that you can’t overcome, but that didn’t stop [them] from trying extremely hard to make it work.”

Being one of the captains of the team comes with a lot of responsibility, and Amisano expresses that she loved being captain of the team. “It’s hard sometimes though because these are [her] friends but sometimes you have to ‘lay down the law’ because [they] need to get things done. Being captain makes [her] push myself that much harder because [she wants] [her] team to succeed and [she wants] to set a good example for the underclassmen,” she explains.
Senior Gianna Giuliano, who was also one of the captains this season, says this season went pretty well. “[They] had a strong start but [they] ran into a few things that created a big challenge that [they] got through throughout the season,” she says. She also expresses how working harder during the season to achieve their goals faster is something she would do differently. Giuliano’s biggest challenge this season for her is fracturing her ankle which she says was a huge setback for the team, “[the team] got through it and [they] learned a lot of new girls were willing to fill in [her] spot and work hard.” She also states that being captain for the team was amazing because she loved being a rolemodel for them.
Giuliano also explains how her overall experience with the sport was awesome and that she loves her team. She also says how she plans on trying out for a college team, to continue with the sport.
Senior Janae Rodriguez, who is also one of the four captains, explains that, “[they] had things that made parts of the season difficult for [them] with girls getting hurt throughout the season, but [they] pushed through it all no matter what.” She also says that this season, the main challenges were how many girls were getting injured. “Everyone on the team is talented. [They] overcame [the challenges] by with working with the girls [they] had left,” Rodriguez explains.
Rodriguez also explains how becoming captain for the team was an honor and her experience with it was great. She expresses that “[she] wouldn’t ask to cheer with any other team [her] senior year of high school.”
Rodriguez’s advice for others is “always try your hardest. Never give up on anything your heart desires! Just because you may not be as good as other girls doesn’t mean you can’t try… what matters is that you are giving it your absolute best! The most important thing to remember is to always have fun with it!”