The Malden High softball team have had a very challenging year but have still managed to push through it and make it a very successful season for their team.
Freshman Olivia Simmons-Normil who plays shortstop, centerfield, and pitcher, has been playing softball for two years. She was influenced by her mother who also grew up playing softball as a young child. Normil explained how the beginning of the season started off with a great start and was going really well. Although the season started off really great for their team, Normil stated that, they “started having difficulty making plays and winning as the season went on.”
Normil explained the challenges that she, personally and as a team, came across. She explained that winning games was a challenge for her team. Her personal challenge was that she was in a “hitting slump” and could not get any hits down. She stated that, “[she] just struck out repeatedly, until [she] finally got [her] swing back and started hitting again.” This was a challenge that Normil has overcome this season.
This season brought some challenges for the team but overall, Normil thought that it was a great learning experience for herself personally. Although she wished that the team could have won more games this season, she stated, “It was still a good growing season for a lot of [them].”
Normil stated personally that she could “have made some diving catches in the outfield”, and could have gotten hits.” She also explained how she would like to improve on hitting and diving in the outfield more. She also gave advice which is for younger girls who want to play softball to just go for it.
Junior Mackenzie Furlong, who is one of the two captains for this season, plays shortstop and has been playing softball since she was the age of six. She was influenced by her father who was a baseball player and also has an experience with playing men’s softball. Furlong was also influenced by her sister who also has an experience of playing softball She explained that her sister had played for four years in her high school years, on varsity.
Furlong also explained that throughout the season, all the girls stayed motivated. She stated that softball has helped her to “create many new friendships and relationships with others”. She also included that overtime throughout the season, “[she has] been able to build a very strong bond with other teammates.”
Throughout the season, Furlong also mentioned that this season, her coach has helped her and her team to do better and to push through their abilities. Furlong explained that the team needs to improve on making every play throughout the games. She also stated that “keeping [their] heads in the games” also needs to be improved upon throughout their games, especially for their games that they will have in the future.
Senior Caitlyn Leonard, who is also captain of the softball team, has had experience with softball since she was young. She plays third base and began playing softball because she has always enjoyed playing the sport. Leonard explained how there is a lot about Softball that can always change in a very instant, and that “you never know what is going to happen.”

Senior Caitlyn Leonard, who is also captain of the softball team, has had experience with softball since she was young. She plays third base and began playing softball because she has always enjoyed playing the sport. Leonard explained how there is a lot about Softball that can always change in a very instant, and that “you never know what is going to happen.”
Leonard also mentioned that the beginning of the season started off really well. She also stated that, “all the girls are motivated to do well.” She continued to explain how this season, her teammates had the skills and the mentality to win the games that they were close to winning before. Leonard shared that as long as everyone was proud of what they did this season, and tried their very best, she could consider this season to be a successful one.