Malden on the offensive against Revere. Photo taken by Cameron Ryan.

The Malden-Revere Boys Hockey team has persisted throughout the season so far.

Senior and team captain Michael Giordano explains that “[The team is] playing good but [they] could be better, and [he]  hope[s] that [they] end the season strong.” Additionally, he also describes that one of the goals that the team has set is to “go to the tournaments and make this one of [their best] seasons.”

The team currently holds 7-5-2 as their score, they have have seven wins, five losses, and two ties. The team is aiming for states, they are two to four points from “clinching a tournament game” and with the six

Malden and Revere battle for the puck. Photo by Cameron Ryan.

 games remaining, both Giordano and sophomore Corey Rufo believes that they will definitely get in.  Rufo also adds on that “[the team] has to step up [their] game for the remaining games” in hopes that they do make it into the tournament or states.

The hockey team’s most recent game was a home game against Gloucester, although they did not win the game, the team remains in high hopes that they will enter states with their upcoming game on February 3rd.

Malden’s goalie making a save. Photo taken by Cameron Ryan.

In addition the team is preparing for the remaining season, by practicing many drills.

With the remain season, one thing that the team wants to improve on is their communication on ice and off. Although the team is doing well against opponents they do want to keep improving through the rest of the season so their will not at another lost to their record.


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