What is a gym waiver and how does one qualify for it?
Previous beliefs from students suggested that in order to receive the gym waiver, students must complete two sports on the varsity level in order to avoid a full year of gym. However, the standard has not changed: completion of two sports on any team within the same year qualifies students for the gym waiver. To graduate high school, students need:
3 semesters, or a year and a half, of physical education class (0.5 credits each)
1 semester, or half a year, of health class (0.5 credits)
This equals 2.0 credits towards Malden High’s graduation requirement.
If a student does any two sports for Malden High on any level (Freshman, JV, or Varsity) in the same school year, the student qualifies for a gym waiver. This waiver specifically takes two semesters off of gym, so the student would only need to actually do one semester of gym instead of three to satisfy the graduation requirement.
The waiver does not affect Health class, which students still need to do one semester of.
It is important to note, as stated by Charlie Conefrey, Director of Athletics, that physical education waivers are not meant to “get anyone out of physical education class.” Conefrey notes that “physical education is an imperative lifelong, learned skill that is state mandated as well as a graduation requirement at Malden High School,” and further explains that “[Principal] Mastrangelo, guidance and [himself] are working on the language to ensure clarity for students moving forward.”
The appeal for students to participate in MHS sports is the incorrect idea that they will “skip gym,” ultimately leaving more room for other classes. However, Conefrey and other MHS administrators emphasize that participating in sports should be focused on being part of a team, staying active, and doing something students love.
Additionally, Conefrey states that “as the Director of Physical Education and Health, [he does] not advocate for physical education waivers.” However, he recognizes that students’ situations are “unique” and expresses his sympathy and empathy “to individual needs sometimes resulting in a need for a waiver.”
If you have any further questions about the waiver, you can contact Mr. Conefrey at cconefrey@maldenps.org.