The Class of 2021 Screens Halloweentown

The class of 2021 recently hosted a movie night on Wednesday, October 23rd to celebrate Halloween. In celebrating, they showcased the renowned movie during this time of the year, Halloweentown. Afterwards, attendees were able to paint pumpkins at an additional cost of two dollars. 

Class of 2021 advisor, Cassandra Poole, explained that “it took about a week to plan” as they had to “get approval from Mr. Mastrangelo.” When receiving approval for the event, “[they] quickly sent out an interest survey” to see what movie people would be most interested in seeing. As a result, Halloweentown received the most votes and the officers were quick to advertise the event. 

Three of decorated pumpkins students were able to paint. Photo submitted by Cassandra Poole.

Halloweentown is a movie that follows a 13 year-old girl named Marnie who finds out that her family follows a long family line of witches. After discovering the big family secret, she and her siblings follow their grandma to Halloweentown where supernatural beings have the opportunity to lead an everyday, regular life. However, trouble is both emerging for the family and the town as evil has become a threat to the world. The movie was thought to be perfect for the Halloween spirit. 

President Harriet Shane Gerochi stated that social media is the best way to advertise fundraising events due to how “texting people to attend is a more convincing tactic” especially if a large response is needed in the end. In addition, flyers were put around the school to further have students to go. 

The proceeds that were collected from the movie night are essentially “used to support the class of 2021” as Poole stated. She explained that “[they] use the money to put together more fundraising events” which in the end, “the ultimate goal is to build up more revenue for prom.”

Poole believes that the benefit of hosting fundraisers is two-fold: she emphasized that not only does the class raise money, but the events “encourage people to get involved in the culture and life of the school outside of class.” And so, they mainly “bring people together who might not otherwise interact much” and this assists in fostering “a sense of community.”

Adding on to that thought, Gerochi believes that students in the class of 2021 should be participating “because in the long run, prom would be a lot more better.” She continued on saying that the student council puts a huge amount of effort in “making sure that [they] come up with ideas and have them turn into fundraisers.” 

Personally, Poole’s favorite part about the movie night was painting the pumpkins as “[they] ended up having a surplus of pumpkins” which she was able to paint three of them. As for Gerochi, she also agreed that towards the end of the event, where they were able to paint pumpkins was her favorite part due to how “[they] laughed and talked, and overall it was enjoyable.” 

Moving forward, Gerochi expressed that “[they] are trying to prepare [themselves] for the next couple of months” as the class of 2021 “only hopes for a successful JVs.” Poole hopes that they will be able to “put out a lot more good fundraisers” and “have more juniors coming out to volunteer.” With that in mind, the class of 2021 will be hosting more fundraisers in the future including their seasonal dodgeball tournament on November 19th and will be selling their class t-shirt for spirit week.

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