Senior team captain and middle-hitter Riley Strano (#22) spikes the ball. Photo by Jessica Li.

With their previous win on Wednesday October 18th, Malden High School’s Girls Volleyball team had a good start to the week. However, Friday’s game against Medford started off shaky, with the power going out in the gym, setting back the game a few minutes. Once the game started, the girls seemed to be communicating a lot and were doing pretty good. After a while, the girls were getting more tired and communicating less towards the end of the first set.
By the second set, the players were determined to get some points back. They had strong techniques and were moving around the court more and starting to talk to each other again. Captain Lissette Curran made powerful serves which scored the team more points in the second set. Along with her powerful serves, Curran made multiple saves and dived for the ball quite a bit, as well as Marla Candido. However, even with all the positive transitions from the first set, the girls were losing their momentum again which is what led to them losing their second set as well.
Once the third set started, the girls were trying their best to recover from the last two sets and started the new set with them scoring points. Once the Medford players realized that Malden was trying to recover, they started to talk to each other a lot more than the Malden team. The final score was 25-15 in the last set and that was the end for the Medford and Malden High School Girls Volleyball game.
After the game Lynn-Sarah Georges, a former Malden player that now plays for Medford said “[she] really misses playing with them. But when she plays against them, there are no hard feelings and [she] loves seeing them.”