Megan Schuler Comes to Malden High as the New Clinician

Nathan Dean also contributed to this article.

This year, many new positions have been added. As a result, over 30 new Malden High School staff members have been hired. Among the many new positions is a clinician for the recently introduced R.I.S.E (Recognizing Individual Success Every Day), which was filled by Megan Schuler. 

As a clinician, Schuler provides individual therapy and academic support for students in the program. She also runs a group meant to improve students’ studying and non-academic skills. 

Due to a lack of teachers, many spots have been hard to fill, with some positions even remaining open during the school year. Principal Chris Mastrangelo explained that there were fewer people competing for more spots. The spot filled by Schuler was no different. Mastrangelo, who was part of the hiring committee for Schuler commented that “[the school] got really lucky. [The school] got really high quality, great people to fill the positions.” Further expressing that, “[he is] really excited [with Schuler].”

Another administrator who helped in the hiring process, Lisa Kingsley, agreed with Principal Mastrangelo. “[MHS is] really, really lucky that Malden was able to snatch [Schuler] up,” said Kingsley. Kingsley explained that she is eager to learn and up to any task assigned to her. According to Kingsley, when it comes to students Schuler is an “exceptional listener” who really wants and tries to understand where students are coming from and what they have to say. Kingsley thinks “[the] students benefit from that gratefully.” 

Although a little easier than last year, it can still be hard to read emotions and get to know students. However, Schuler has overcome this challenge as best she can and it shows. “The ability that [she has] to connect with the kids is at a different level,” remarks Mastrangelo. He is very glad to have her on the team working with the R.I.S.E program. 

Kingsley commented that Schuler was “polished [and] professional,” adding that, “[she was] eager to get to know the students of Malden High School.” This appears to be a skill she is very good at. “[Schuler] forms deep connections with the students that she works with,” Kingsley continued.

Edit: Nathan Dean was not originally credited for his contributions.

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