Cassandra Reyes

Crew: a sport where teamwork is essential and vigorous efforts must be present at all times. The Malden High School team, coached by science teacher Shauna Campbell and math teacher Sarah Jones, never fails to fulfill the requirements of the sport. This year’s team is being led by senior captains Ghita Jaouhari, Darrell Workman, John Hastings, Ivan Williams, and junior Blue and Gold member Julie Lam.
Whether it be inside the halls of MHS or on the Malden River, the crew team could always be found practicing and improving. Jaouhari feels that “[the team] is able to recruit more talent in rowers and coxswains.” Both new and returning rowers found themselves very anxious once they were able to begin practicing on the river.
With a large number of members this year, Lam expresses that as a team, they achieved the goal of “creating a strong novice team and improving individually.” Sophomore Michael Light feels that the team “set goals to better and strengthen the teams performance as a whole.” The outcomes of this season are a prime example of how crew at MHS continues to grow in numbers and talent.
With the weather completely against them, the team found themselves having indoor practices for the first few weeks of the season. Lam expresses that the team “pulled it together and worked really hard.” As the season continued, the weather continued to have an effect on the number of regattas the team got to compete in. However, whenever the team got the opportunity to race, all rowers and coxswains are determined to defeat their opponent.
On Sunday, May 26, 2014 at the Rowing State Championship, MHS was represented by eight boats: one Boys Varsity Eight boat, two Boys Varsity Four boats, two Boys Novice Eight boats, two Girls Varsity Four boats, and one Girls Novice Four boat. The Girls Novice Four boat, consisting of sophomore Austin Giang, freshman Ariel Gustowski, Ayutha Basuseto, Gabrielle Casaletto and freshman Vivian Nguyen, was named State Champions. Ending their senior year by placing fifth was the Boys One Varsity Four boat, consisting of seniors Pedro Dias, Williams, Workman and Hastings, and sophomore Lily Tran.
Another great achievement of the season was the girls tying with Medford for the Greater Boston League Championship title at the race on May 10, 2014. The team also made impressive performances at the Mayor’s Cup Regatta on May 17, 2014 and the following day at the Moose on Malden Regatta.
After a season of many obstacles, the MHS Crew team did nothing but work hard and take advantage of every opportunity they had. Although a very talented and influential group of seniors will be leaving the team this year, the Malden community is still looking forward to the new talent that is sure to appear next season.