There is currently a series of job workshops taking place at Malden High. These workshops are run by Penny Hasseli, the Youth Workshop Specialist with Career Source in Cambridge. Hasseli is running six after school workshops that are designed to introduce high school students to career readiness skills. All grade levels and ages are allowed to participate in the workshop and even though the workshop is geared towards high school students, any graduates and alumni are welcomed to come as well.

The first workshop happened on the ninth of February and it served as an overview of the entire job searching process. The participants learned how to stay organized while job searching and they learned which websites were the best for job searching. The second workshop will be focused on creating a clear and effective resume that will stand out from others. This will take place on the 14th of February. The third workshop will take place on second of March and it will revolve around the successful techniques you need to be a good interviewer. The fourth workshop will focus on creating a cover letter and this will take place on the 9th of March. The fifth will be on sixteenth on March and will revolve around creating a Linkedin Profile and you’re overall social media presence. The final workshop will take place on the twenty-third of March and this will be another chance for anybody who did not go the resume workshop, to participate in the workshop.

In an interview, Ms. Hasseli recommended that teenagers participate in this workshop because she wished that she had this opportunity as a teenager. She stated “The internet has tons of resources on how to job search. However, a lot of information on the internet about job searching is outdated. I’m here to demystify the complicated process of applying for jobs.”

She also encourages teenagers to go because the job searching process is “competitive” and takes “a whole lot of effort, time and patience”. The job-searching process is difficult, but Ms. Hasseli doesn’t believe it is impossible. “I want students to know that yes, job searching is tough, but you can do it and get the job you want if you start developing career readiness skills now.”

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