Class of 2023 Hosts First Car Wash of the Year

Although the Class of 2023 started the first half of their high school experience dealing with a pandemic, they aren’t letting that stop them from enjoying the rest of it. The Class of 2023 has been in the process of planning for various events and has been saving up to cover the expenses that go along with these events. Their first fundraiser of the school year was a car wash, held at Malden High School on Sunday, October 17th. 

Michael Lightbody, the class advisor, stated that “The car wash was very successful! [The Class of 2023 was] able to raise money, but more importantly, because [everyone has] been out of school for so long, [they] were able to get the kids together.” He further explained that “[It is] nice that [the class of 2023 do not] just raise funds with [their] events, [they] also make them social events too.” 

Class advisor Michael Lightbody and juniors Kelly Le, Ryan L, and Zhi Zhu rinse off a car. Photo taken by Kaoutar Wakaf.

Tsering Palgon, a member of the student council and a volunteer at the carwash, said that he enjoyed participating and socializing with others. Palgon also mentioned that as a junior himself, he appreciated the shared efforts of his peers. 

“[The officers of the Class of 2023] are also planning on holding more fundraising events. Mr. Lightbody is working on bringing back the powder puff football game, and [the class is] currently holding a candy gram sale at lunch this week,” announced Isabella Ivy, the secretary of the Class of 2023. Ivy added that “Junior Varieties is also an important and traditional fundraising event for juniors at Malden High, and [the student council is] still brainstorming themes and trying to find directors and a stage crew.” Currently, Junior Varieties is scheduled for March 11th and 12th and the student council is really excited.

Lightbody is also looking ahead into senior year and the student council for the Class of 2023 is currently considering prom venues. “[They are] thinking about holding prom at either the Danversport Yacht Club, the New England Aquarium, Park Plaza, the Seaport Hotel or Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge.” 

Junior year is an important year for preparation and the Class of 2023 has high hopes for their senior year events. Overall, they are looking to prove their determination with all the hard work they put into their fundraisers. 

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