Class of 2022 Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Malden High School’s student council contributed to the Krispy Kreme Donuts fundraiser and it was worked on in the Senior Event joy block. The fundraiser coordinators were Tivian Nyuyen and Mayada Giha. They organized everything and made sure everything worked effectively. The advisor Dan Jurkowski helped the students come up with ideas for fundraisers The idea for the Krispy Kreme fundraiser came from guidance counselor, Caitlin Quinn. Jurokowski stated, “She was a class advisor two years ago, and she said she did the Krispy Kreme Donuts when her kids were also seniors. We took her advice and it was a great idea.”

The Krispy Kreme Donuts were organized by the senior event coordinators who took charge of contacting Krispy Kreme. The seniors were given the resources they needed and it was up to them to sell and distribute the donuts. Everything was organized through google docs, google slides, and communication. 

The goal of the Krispy Kreme Donuts fundraiser was to raise money for the senior prom. Sarah Oliveira, student council vice president, said “Our class is doing everything we can to reduce prices of prom tickets this year. So every fundraiser we do goes towards prom.” Jurkowski added that, “the more money that we raise, ticket prices will go even more down. We’re trying to raise as much money as we can just so every student is comfortable paying the amount to go to prom”.

The Krispy Kreme Donuts fundraiser was believed to be a success. They received 246 orders and raised enough money to reduce prom ticket prices for the entire class so it became more affordable. They raised over $1.7 thousand and are currently trying to raise more than $10 thousand. Nyugen said, “It was successful because we are proud of the amount we had fundraised over the course of two weeks. A lot more than we expected, which was a bonus.” Sarah Oliveira said, “I would say that the fundraiser was a success. Due to the dedication of my fellow councilmen, the results of the fundraiser truly surpassed any expectation I had for the amount of orders we got”.

Sarah Oliveira added that there weren’t many difficulties.“The only difficulty was getting the donuts in Connecticut and then keeping track of distributions.” Nyugen also said that there weren’t any difficulties with the fundraiser.

Every month of the remainder of the school year the class of 2022 will host a fundraiser. A previous fundraiser on October 29, 2021 was a movie night at Malden High School that showed the Conjuring 3. Sarah Oliveira would like to do a school dance fundraiser and Nyuyen would like to do a Christmas fundraiser in the future.

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