The Girls’ Tennis Team Swings Into A New Season

As we head off into spring, we welcome better weather and a new selection of sports. With tennis being a popular option this season, the girls tennis team welcomed five new players.

Senior Captain Cynthia Nguyen has played on the tennis team since her freshman year of high school, but this season she wants to achieve some new tennis strokes. She hopes to train three of the five new players because they “have a lot of potential,” but, “they need more time to practice.”

Due to the pandemic, she could not play during her sophomore year. So Nguyen now has high hopes for this season because of the other captains, who got better by playing singles. Nguyen said that tennis has impacted her life physically but started playing tennis “for fun” and was more open to the idea of other sports over time.

The girls tennis coach of six years, Cheryl Camassa, said, “each season, we have a great bunch of girls willing to give their all for the sport.” Cammasa added that she wants the team to “grow and improve as athletes,” while also hoping to make it to the state tournament. 

Senior Captain Natalie Chen has a long history of playing tennis. She was first introduced to tennis during middle school by her older sister. Chen has fond memories of her time in tennis and has made lifelong friends as well as “memories to keep forever.”

After a successful previous season, she hopes to make it to states this year. With the new team this year, she thinks that they are ready to take on all the challenges ahead this season.” And with that, a new season has finally sprung into action.

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