For the past three years Jonathan Copithorne has been teaching here at Malden High School. The first two consisted of student teaching for Michael Lightbody and Dana Marie Brown and last year Copithorne was a long term substitute for Wendy Bendle and Carol Mastromauro. This year is the first official year that Copithorne is officially teaching in a classroom, ninth grade US History I being his only class that he teaches. Before teaching at MHS, Copithorne “student taught in Rogers School in Newport Rhode Island” while going to Salve Regina as well as substituted at Arlington High School.

Growing up in a few cities over in Arlington, Massachusetts, Copithorne had a great experience at Arlington High School for which “[he is] grateful for.” For Copithorne high school was full of “ups and downs but luckily more ups than downs”.

Copithorne has always wanted to teach. “In high school, [he] had some amazing teachers that made [his] experience special, and [he] always wanted to repay them by doing the same for future generations,” Copithorne stated, explaining why he has always had a passion for teaching.  “The reward that [comes] with helping others solidified [his] decision to become a teacher.” added Copithorne. Copithorne attended Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island for undergrad and Tufts University for graduate school.

Though Malden is different from Arlington, Copithorne “loves it here at MHS.” Copithorne “couldn’t think of any other school he’d think of being at other than here.” One of his favorite things about MHS is the school pride and enthusiasm that the students have. “Students here at MHS also make up a group of young adults that provide an experience that very few schools in the world can, and that is tremendous” Copithorne adds. He enjoys the faculty as well, they “provide such warmth, support, and enthusiasm, that they make new teachers like [him] feel like [they] belong to a truly special community.” In addition, he enjoys Spirit Week, Junior Variety’s, and the Student-Faculty basketball games.

The best piece of advice Copithorne can give to any high schooler is “to always be true to yourself and always embrace you unique.” “The quicker you can find what you enjoy in life the quicker you can enjoy your life.”

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