Dynamic Duo Takes The Field

The Malden High School football team kicks off the year with a great start. According to senior captain Danley Exilhomme, the season so far has had its ups and downs. Though, Danley Exilhomme claims it is “mostly all positive. [They] lost to Lawrence 12-0. It was a tough loss, but [they] look to regain positivity by winning.”

Senior captain Djorggenson Exilhomme claims that “[they] definitely expect to have more wins than losses this season, [since] [they] just need to bring our team together more and get everybody on the same page to get everything really going.”

The team goal is to be making a run in the playoffs. That’s always been the goal goal for the football team ever since the team began making the playoffs in recent years. They have made the playoffs the past 2 years though they never made a made an impact in them, so the goal this year is to make a mark and establish themselves in the playoffs.

Malden High School's football team in a huddle.
Malden High School’s football team in a huddle. Photo by Leila Griege.


Malden had a close game against MC but lost with a final score of 14-7. Djorggenson Exilhomme states that “personally [he] [feels] like [they] are going to have a better season, not only because of [their] the coaching staff, but also during [the] [current] [senior] [class’s] freshman year [they] had an undefeated season, so [he] [feels] like [they] have the same kids coming back who will give [them] the same results.” Danley Exilhomme agrees with the sentiment, saying how since “[they] [have] been together since freshman year, [they] [have] created a bond, allowing [them] to fight for one another and just hold on together and get the job done together.”

All the captains, including the Exilhommes, seniors Robert Green and James Knox, have taken up a different responsibilities than years past towards the team. Djorggenson Exilhomme says that this year the role of captain is “different because [they] don’t usually tell people what to do as a leader. So now [the] [team] [has] to step up and perform well even though it might not benefit some of their [teammates].” As captain, they have to “lead by example; what that means is that [captains] always have to do the right thing, because [the] [team] usually [follows] [their] example. In games, especially the underclassmen, the team look up to [the] [captains] to make good plays in order of come out with a victory”  explains Danley Exilhomme.

Malden High School
Malden High School football players shaking hands with Malden Catholic players post-game. Photo by Leila Griege.

The captains and the rest of the players among the Class of 2016 look forward to this final year at MHS and in football with a bit of sadness.  Although it may be their last time as a Golden Tornado football player, the seniors are proud to have spent their time as they have. MHS looks forward to the rest of the season that is to come.

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